The British Beard Club Gallery
Members - Show Us Your Beards
Send us your photos from events, meetups and any other beard and moustache related fun. We love to hear from our members and associated clubs from around Britain and beyond. Not a member yet? Join us.
Still growing!
Lin from Kettering.
Ziogas Apostolis.
Nick, Phil and Kevin enjoying a pint or three.
Happy Bearding
Wondering what to do with the rest of the evening
Just one in the pub
Health and safety notice in the workshop.
Bearded and bald. I've had a beard for over 30 years. Only shaved it off 3 times in all those years.
In the truck ready for another day
Nice guys
Nasty guys. Nikolai A. Pennington and friends.
Escorting the Straw Jack, Carshalton 2024.
Kevin and Bernie at Straw Jack, Carshalton, September 2024
Every one a winner; champions setting the benchmark.
Tom enjoying another stop on his UK visit.
Bernie Harris from New Zealand joins us at the Straw Jack celebrations in Carshalton.
Waiting for my dinner.
Ziogas Apostolis, The Greek Cowboy.
Smartened up for my daughter's wedding.
Not entirely according to the WBMC rules, but some competitions rules are more relaxed for Freestyle.
The Gentlemen of Capital Beards in London.
William Armstrong says: “What a fantastic invention!”.
Nikolai A. Pennington from Kentucky with a championship beard if ever there was one.
Edward E. Gardner.
Tom on his trip to the UK.
Adam from May 2024.
William just being himself.
Gandalf the Grey.
Mike enjoying the sun.
Autumnal beard.
Dino Medardo Rosso hiking Macchu Picchu, Peru with kilt and beard.
Back to the Future Benny.
Will taking in the view.
A marvellous view.
John joins the new members site.
Land's End.
Markus works for the RNLI, one of the most highly respected of British institutions.
Markus supporting another great cause.
Markus in his Sunday best.
A fine pair of beards there chaps.
A fine red beard, the barman at The Malt Shovel, Horsham.
Keeping warm.
Benny at rest.
A tug of war at the Oxford Beard Festival an excellent day on the riverside.
Adam and John, The Snowdrop, Lewes.
Adam and Kevin, ‘avin a larf’.
Adam Shovel at The Builder’s Arms, Croydon at the British Beard Club Christmas Lunch.
Lee enjoying the new Beard Club website.
Adam Shovel, always photographs well; here at The Trafalgar.
A gentleman who clearly likes his hats.
Adam, Barry, Kevin and John at The George, Borough, London.
After lunch at Seven Dials, Brighton.
Barry, windy beard on Shoreham Beach.
Beard envy.
Bearded hatted drummers at the Straw Jack celebration, Carshalton.
Beards, tatts and hats.
Beard Club merch
BearDY, from Staffordshire.
Burning of the Straw Jack every September.
Julian in one of his hats.
Capital Beards at The Craft Pub, White Lion Street, London.
Capital Beards, the London thatch, our logo.
Concerns over the drainage on the lower field.
Cover photo for the South Saxon Beardsmen.
Danish farmer sharpening scythe, Erik Henningsen, oil on canvas.
David and Mo.
David Dade picks up his award at a Rugby beard event.
David Dade, the sharp dressed man.
Julian enjoying the outdoors.
Del and Phil, a moment of meditation before consuming the ale.
Del, David and George in the garden of The Snowdrop Inn, Lewes.
Down in East Sussex enjoying the winter sunshine at The Snowdrop.
Edgar Degas, impression of a businessman.
Every year Capital Beards meets in early May at St.Albans for lunch. This year at The White Lion.
Founder David Dade flying the flag.
French-Canadian politician, oil on canvas.
Garry Kerslake goes fishin’.
Gentleman from Oregon.
Gents urinal at The Bell Inn, Ticehurst, East Sussex.
God, widely believed to have been the inventor of the beard shown here measuring infinity. William Blake.
Gods, saints, wise men and heroes always have had beards throughout history.
Graham Hyde and Adam Shovel.
Graham Hyde.
Graham, Kevin and Barry, The Hope, Carshalton.
Grisaille of three bearded farmers, oil on board.
Group shot at The Hope.
Horny Beast on the dockside, Clovelly, Devon.
It’s gonna be a long night.
It’s grim up North but they make a mighty fine brew.
Jim from Essex.
Joe Dabill from Yorkshire.
John and Rob sharing a joke.
July meet at Stockport Beards.
Kenny Duff with his signature dreadlocks.
Kevin Butcher in an oak tree.
Kevin Butcher on the beach with Bo’sun at Instow, Devon.
Lining up the pints in The Trafalgar.
Matt and Ginger from Cambridgeshire.
Matt from Staffordshire
Meeting of the Yorkshire Beardsmen.
Men pretending to be cowboys.
Merry Christmas David.
Mother Teresa on a bad hair day.
Mr. Michael Wallage in Germany sampling the local ale al fresco.
No tongues please.
No two beards are ever the same.
Ok, own up, who stole my birthday cake.
One of the club’s logos.
Parmigianino, bearded man reading a book, oil on canvas.
Paul, Ray and Suemas.
Pissed again, Yorkshire.
Pith in the park.
Red beards are always spectacular.
Rembrandt, possibly.
Riccardo Maniero makes a new friend at Kew Gardens.
Roger and Spider at Straw Jack, Carshalton.
Should’ve gone to Specsavers.
South Saxons at The Battle Of Trafalgar, Brighton.
South Saxons meeting at The Trafalgar in Brighton.
Spider and Del with his illuminated beard.
It’s always good to see Spider at one of our London meetings.
Spider, one of the club’s stalwarts.
Suemas from Australia visiting London, here with Del.
Steve and Del, after a couple of pints.
Suemas, Mo, David, Kevin and Adam.
Spider, cheerful as always.
Summer Beardness event at The George in Borough, London. Dogs go free.
Summer sunshine, good for bleaching out the beard.
Tavern scene.
Tea time at Woolley Lodge, near Exmoor, Devon.
The Ambassadors, Holbein.
The British Beard Club, our logo.
The fire-eater at the Straw Jack celebration is a regular performer. The beard clubs attend the festival every September at Carshalton, Surrey.
The first meeting of South Saxon Beardsmen in Sussex.
The Gardener’s Arm, Lewes.
The gentlemen of Essex Beards with their big fat cheque. We’ll done guys!
The George hosts The Summer Beardness in Borough, London.
The Kew Bridge meeting of Capital Beards, the London thatch of The British Beard Club.
The Straw Jack festival is one of the bearding highlights of the year, Carshalton, Surrey.
The usual suspects at The Gardener’s Arms, Lewes.
The usual suspects, photo must have been taken by David Dade.
They scrub up well these chaps, Charlie and Steve.
Thinking man with a friend.
Three crazy guys in a Tesco’s trolley.
Trev Packer with David Dade comparing beards on Brighton beach.
Two crazy dudes in New Plymouth, New Zealand.
Two guys at the barbers.
Two rufty-tufty doods at a reconstructed stone-age encampment at Arundel Castle, West Sussex.
Two South Saxon Beardsmen at The Malt Shovel, Horsham.
Up on the South Downs, one of those windybeard days.
Upstairs at the Lewes Arms, Lewes, East Sussex.
Waiting for the Sherriff.
We found this scene abandoned in a branch of John Lewis; no idea what it was all about.
Welcome post from the guys at the club.
When Bob, Elliot and Dave met at the canal club.
Winner takes it all.
Yorkshire Beardsmen just before their trip to Antwerp.
Yorkshire’s finest.

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